Waxing On…about the history of encaustic painting, collagraph printmaking, encaustic restoration, studio practice, the moon and stars, and more.

Blog, July 2023 Elise Wagner Blog, July 2023 Elise Wagner

Settling Into My New Hometown and Studio

I have no idea what to expect, my first open studio in my new hometown, the north coast town of Astoria… The herculean Winter marathon of settling into my new studio has ended just in time for Summer. In the infancy of creating in a new space, it feels good. My groove, rituals and daily structures are all falling into place. Not counting the many breakfast nooks of Northwest Portland apartments in my formative years and the significant creative development that took place in Studio 211 where Mark Rothko attended elementary school, this is technically my fourth working studio. My first, 1993-1996 was in a storefront…

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